

At Granite Vapor in Kitsap County, WA, you will find a multitude of flavors for you to choose from. For candy flavors, look no further! We have the best of the best.
Our favorite flavors include: Chubby Purp, Slammin’ Blue Raspberry, and Buckshot H.C. 
Chubby Purp is an incredible grape flavor - very reminiscent of your favorite baseball bubblegum candy. This flavor is a well-known, pungent flavor in Silverdale, WA. Chubby Purp is available in 0MG, 3MG, and 6MG.
Slammin’ Blue Raspberry is an awesomely smooth blue raspberry flavor. Nothing too fancy, just plain, delicious, blue raspberry. Also available in 0MG, 3MG, and 6MG.
Buckshot H.C. (Hard Candy) is a sweet and tart flavor - some even say it tastes exactly like sweet tarts candy! This flavor is incredibly versatile as it is available in 0MG, 3MG, 6MG, and even 12MG.
There are many more candy flavors available at Granite Vapor in Silverdale, Washington as well. Come visit the store to see the full menu!